Quality. Unity. Identity.

Built in the heart of Jersey City, a city of great pride, character and history, Prosper is the community-grounded retail experience cementing pride into a consumer experience rooted in local connection. Defined by its high quality inline label adopted by the local community as a mirror to its heritage and ever-changing identity, its location is intended to be at the heart of it all and be a reflection of the Chilltown’s renaissance, formed from varying cultures and ongoing migration into the city creating a powerful melting pot of inspirations and aspirations.

Unique Is Our Strength.

One-of-a-kind in its approach to community-building and local consumer connection, Prosper stands as a pillar in the Jersey City landscape in its approach to both retail and purpose. With key seasonal drops punctuated by original designs on the highest quality pieces in the marketplace, the in-house brand sets the tone for the remainder of the assortment, providing complementary footwear and accessories that extend the brand’s appeal and message alongside the consumer’s style.

A Model Of Connection.

While product tells the story of a community connection deeply ingrained in its purpose, Prosper remains at the forefront of a city’s evolving mindset, impacting like-minded spaces beyond its limits. With a grassroots model creating a mutually impactful flow of inspiration and aspiration, this retail experience is lauded as an exemplary model of creating specifically to serve the consumer’s style and purpose, a goal many across the industry continue to look to adopt and adapt in their own environment.

"Prosper is an outlet for quality, a focal point of the Chilltown cultural scene, and an inspiration for the global community"